Calculators & Tools

Whether you're looking to save more money, manage your income better or get a tax rebate estimate, we have the right tool for you. 

How can we help?Tax Calculators

Tax Refund Calculator

Get a free estimate of how much tax you could be owed from HMRC

Tax rebate calculator

Mileage Calculator

Travel for work? Find out how much your mileage tax refund could be worth.

Mileage Claim Calculator

CIS tax rebate calculator

Get an estimate of how much your CIS tax rebate could be worth.

CIS Tax Rebate Calculator

There's more

From national insurance to rental income tax, we've got you covered.

National Insurance Calculator

Working out National Insurance can be overwhelming. But don't worry, our NI calculator has you covered.

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Capital Gains Tax Calculator

Our easy to use Capital Gains Calculator will help you understand your CGT obligations in just a few simple questions.

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Rental Income Tax Calculator

Managing rental income tax can seem like a lot to handle but our free tool will help you keep on top of your finances giving you an estimate of how much tax you can expect to pay.

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Employed & Self-Employed Tax Calculator

Navigating your tax responsibilities can be tricky, whether you’re employed, self-employed, or both. That’s why we’ve created this easy-to-use calculator

Start now >

How can we help?Tools

Download our free budget planner to help you make sure of the 50/30/20 rule

Budget Planner

Understand your saving status against the UK average and get a personalised saving plan

Smart Saver Tool

Make this Christmas a cracker with our festive budget planner. Free to download.

Christmas Planner

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5 Year Money Saving Plan

What's your five year plan when it comes to money? It's a tough question to answer. That's why we've put together some simple techniques and a little market knowledge to get you closer to whatever your money goals are. 

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